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Spider-Man 2 is coming here's a screenshot and some info. on the movie!

Doc Ock to be Revealed at Comic-Con?
Wednesday, July 9, 2003 4:14 CDT

You may have got a glimpse of Doc Ock's tentacles here at the Hype! yesterday morning before the picture disappeared into thin air. No wories if you didn't, as we might get to see Spidey's nemesis for the sequel sooner than you think. Coming Attractions at Cinescape reports...

What I'm building up to here is when you can expect to finally see the good Doctor's tentacles. And it's sooner than you expect. Try next week -- and right smack dab in the heart of fan-friendly territory.

Our source tells us that Raimi will have the first look of Doctor Octopus' metal tentacles at next week's San Diego Comic Convention. Thousands of fans will be the first in the world to get a taste of what's to come next summer.